
“is it you?”

“is it you?”

You know it’s going to be a bad day when you get up and find yourself already in the kitchen, seated at the table and eating Cheerios. The you at the kitchen table is thirteen, and she’s eating the Cheerios straight out of the box by the fistful. Try to call her Maura. You are also Maura. Two people can have the same name, but two people cannot be the same person. A few Cheerios fall from Maura’s hand and roll pinwheels across the tile. You tap your foot. Maura doesn’t look up, hiding behind the grease slick of her...

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Savings Methods We Teach Our Autistic Son

Savings Methods We Teach Our Autistic Son

Our son was diagnosed with ASD 1 Autistic with a sensory processing disorder in March 2022. Autism and money skills along with learning to be independent are high priorities to teach our son. Even if he weren’t autistic, we’d still teach him about the wild world of money as every parent should. He’s always been fascinated with money and wanted to pay the cashier, bag groceries and shop. The problem is that he takes what he learns literally or doesn’t understand it and needs assistance. His homework last week was about money, specifically coins, and he didn’t understand what the...

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Ham and Cheese Bow Ties (small batch)

Ham and Cheese Bow Ties (small batch)

 Many years ago I used to frequent a site called Steph's Country Kitchen.  She had lovely recipes on there. There were no photographs. This was in the early days of recipe pages.  I think hers may well have been one of the first food blogs out there before there were even such a thing as blogs!There was just recipes on her page,  and she had some really lovely ones.  What I liked the most about them was that they were every day, simple, family food type of recipes.  The kinds of things your mom might have made.  I had printed...

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Organization Materials from Amazon

Organization Materials from Amazon

Like probably every other teacher, I am an Amazon queen. I make an Amazon Classroom Wish List every year, and it is where 90% of my classroom organization comes from. Let’s do a tour of my favorite classroom organization materials from Amazon! ((This blog post contains affiliate links for your convenience. You don’t pay any more by clicking my link (and I actually find the best prices for you!) but I make a small commission off of sales. This helps me to test out more materials and bring you more quality content. Thanks for supporting my little blog!)) Small Piece...

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Traditional British Cucumber Sandwiches

Traditional British Cucumber Sandwiches

Cucumber sandwiches were part of my upbringing living in the United Kingdom most of my life. I’ve always been a fan of cucumber sandwiches, even when I moved out of my parent’s home. In 2022, Her Majesty the Queen is the first British monarch to celebrate the Platinum Jubilee after 70 years of service. From June 2 to 5th, 2022, Britain celebrates Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee and her 96th Birthday. I thought it fitting to share my mum’s cucumber sandwich recipe served for afternoon tea. The official celebration in the UK will begin on 2nd June with the Trooping...

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