Organization Materials from Amazon

Like probably every other teacher, I am an Amazon queen. I make an Amazon Classroom Wish List every year, and it is where 90% of my classroom organization comes from. Let’s do a tour of my favorite classroom organization materials from Amazon!

((This blog post contains affiliate links for your convenience. You don’t pay any more by clicking my link (and I actually find the best prices for you!) but I make a small commission off of sales. This helps me to test out more materials and bring you more quality content. Thanks for supporting my little blog!))

Small Piece Organizer

organizer used to organize schedule pieces
This organizer is great for organizing schedule pieces and visuals!

One of the best organizational materials in my classroom is this small piece organizer! This is perfect for organizing schedule pieces and visuals. Read this blog post for more tips on schedule piece organization.

Astrobright Paper and Bulletin Board

schedule station mounted bulletin board with Astrobright paper
Our schedule station stays organized on mounted bulletin boards with color coded paper!

My students and I live for our color coded mounted schedule station. The visual schedules are mounted on bulletin boards on the wall. I always use Astrobright paper for the students’ schedule strips. This organization system saves so much space, and it is straightforward and easy for my students to follow.

Read this blog post for 4 types of schedules.

Shoebox Containers

task box library organization
I use shoebox size containers to organize our task box library!

I use shoebox containers for lots of things, but they are most helpful in my task box library! Grab the task box labels HERE. Shoebox containers are the perfect size for organizing task box materials.

Read this blog post for tips on starting a task box system.

3 Drawer Bins

3 drawer organizer for independent work station
3 drawer organizers are perfect for organizing an independent work station!

Next up, we have 3 drawer bins. These are perfect for setting up an organized independent work station or for organizing materials! I have 3 of these in my classroom.

Read this blog post to learn out the 3 drawer work box system.

Book Bins and Clipboard Folders

book bins and clipboards on a functional work shelf
Book bins and clipboards for data are great organizational tools!

On our centers shelves, we keep our data bins and data clipboards. The clipboard folders are great for keeping raw data sheets organized because they are folders so you can keep the sheet you’re using clipped to the front, and you can keep blank copies inside the folder.

On the shelf, I also use book bins to organize center materials. These are great to organize adapted books and file folders!

Bins, Binders, and Mailbox Organizer

classroom mailbox and bins to organize daily materials
Large bins and a mailbox organizer are perfect for organizing daily materials!

On top of our cubbies, I keep all our daily materials organized. In the rainbox mailbox, I have all our daily copies in each drawer and ready to be filed communication logs. I keep each students’ IEP binder in the red bins. In these binders I keep a student profile, home questionairre, IEP, raw data sheets, communication logs, and work samples.

Washi Tape

washi tape for schedule board
I use washi tape to tape off sections for the “At a Glance” board.

Our “At a Glance” board is our scheduling lifeline! Use washi tape to tape off various sections for all the ongoing schedules in the classroom! This tape can also be used to color code tables and mark off sections of tables for visually defined spaces.

Read this blog post about how to color code your classroom.

Go Bags

go bags for travleing outside the classroom
We use “go bags” for any time we travel outside the classroom.

We use “go bags” to hold all the necessary materials for traveling outside our classroom. Emergency materials, first aid items, sensory items, fidgets, data sheets, pens, timers, click counters, you name it! It all goes in our “go bags!”

Read this blog post on why you need an emergency go bag.

Portfolio Folder

iep organization folder
This is the folder I use to keep my IEP meeting paperwork organized.

I use a portfolio folder for all my IEP meetings to keep all the documents organized! Just label each pocket with the document needed for each meeting and you’re IEP ready!

Read this blog post for tips on how to be confident at IEP meetings.

Flat Storage Trays

flat bins for charging station
Use flat bins to organize AAC devices and iPads for charging!

Last but certainly not least, we have my charging station. I use flat storage trays for our AAC devices and iPads at our charging station.

Is your classroom full of Amazon purchases like mine? Check out Alyssa’s full Amazon list for all her recommendations! If you’re looking for more organization items, check out Alyssa’s blog post. What other Amazon organization items do you use?

((This blog post contains affiliate links for your convenience. You don’t pay any more by clicking my link (and I actually find the best prices for you!) but I make a small commission off of sales. This helps me to test out more materials and bring you more quality content. Thanks for supporting my little blog!))

The post Organization Materials from Amazon appeared first on Simply Special Ed.

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