By beckysue from Baking the Goods.
BakingTheGoodsWithBobs BarsAndBallsToTheWall ChewyGranolaBars CrunchyGranolaBars GetInTheSconeZone Granola GRANOLABARS illbehomeforcookies

Seedy Almond Oat Bars by Baking The Goods. January has come and gone, and boy am I glad that’s over. Now that we are really settling into the new decade, it’s time to kick off my 2020 #BakingTheGoodsWithBobs series in partnership with my pals from Bob’s Red Mill! If you weren’t following along in 2019, here is the gist. Every other month we will take a full week to dive deep into one category of baked good on my social media platforms. I come up with a cute hashtag like #illbehomeforcookies or #GetInTheSconeZone to rally around and I tag all of my posts with that...