News — Debt
Overspending continually even by small amounts over time will dent your net worth.
AllAboutBudgets Debt OurNetWorth Overspending

According to an RBC Economics report, Canadians will be borrowing and spending more in 2021. I don’t know if you check your net worth monthly as we do but that’s our motivation. How many of you have those moments of making a purchase out of curiosity? It looks good on the model, maybe it will look even better on me. Those Nike runners are cool, I need to buy them. When shopping online perhaps customer reviews make the decision for you? Twelve thousand reviews and a 4.8 star rating you can’t go wrong, right? Whether shopping brick and mortar or...
Finally, it was over, no more debt, just the two of us with a bun in the oven.
Budgeting Debt DelayedGratification Gratification

Financial delayed gratification allowed us to pay off $250,000 of debt which was worth every learning curve. Some people can’t fathom the thought of delayed gratification as if they will miss the trending boat. As I explain the process of delayed gratification I want you to consider how debt-freedom would make you feel. Also, are you doing enough to pay off your debt once and for all? What Is Delayed Gratification? The easiest way to describe delayed gratification is to return to when you were a child. For example, you may have gotten an allowance or earned money by delivering...
People often wonder how we stay debt-free with no regrets since we still live a frugal lifestyle
Debt DebtReduction MoneyManagement StayDebt StayDebtFree

Today, I want to share with you just how cruel life can be and how to stand up for the financial freedom you’ve achieved. Wouldn’t it be nice to stay debt-free once you’ve achieved your financial goals? The choices we make change the path that we take especially when it comes to money. That means that to stay debt-free life will present you with choices. Not all of the decisions we make become part of the dream we designed for adulthood. Even as children we are asked numerous times what we want to be when we grow up. I had...
BetterFinancialDecisions CanadianEmergencyResponseBenefit Debt FinancialDecisionMaking FinancialLesson

What Are The Worst And Best Financial Decisions You’ve Ever Made? Now is an optimal time to focus on making better financial decisions a priority especially if you are quarantined at home and looking for something to do. Today, I have a financial education lesson I’d like you to participate in by writing your worst and best financial decisions. With the state of our world right now it may be easier for all of us to see how much money we spent on the little things. Why? Well, having to stay home means spending less money unless you are going...
298 CRA Debt FinanciallyUnstable Purpose TaxLiability

Becoming Financially Stable Takes Purpose Becoming Financially stable takes on various meanings for different people based on current affairs. However, in a nutshell, it means you are debt-free and can pay for everyday needs without money stress. The term financial stability also means you have a stable backing system or in other words a stash of cash, emergency savings or investments. I’m not talking about being a teenager that lives at home or an adult that hasn’t left mom and pops house either. You have to look at the big picture when it comes to personal finance and where you...