News — Canada
Canada FrugalLiving Homeschool PhotoScavengerHunt ScavengerHunt

EDUCATIONAL FUN INDOOR GAMES FOR KIDS DON’T HAVE TO BE COSTLY Fun indoor games whether you are a child or an adult depend on a willingness to play and the purpose behind it. Indoor recess games such as a school scavenger hunt for items around the classroom are also fun for school-age kids. Indoor group games for kids are not only fun but they bring children and siblings together so they work as a team. Team building games for kids indoors such as a group scavenger hunt allows each child to have input. Where one child may want to go...
Can Canada ExtraIncome LateMortgagePayment NeedMoney

Paying Your Mortgage or Rent In Full Should Be A Priority The last thing you will want to do is have a late mortgage or rent payment especially if you don’t have savings in the bank. Optimizing your budget is different from having a contingency plan in place however both are very important. There aren’t many options available to Canadians when they can’t pay their mortgage or rent which is why you must plan. Granted, things do happen in life that forces people into an emergency mode which is why it’s important to stash cash. It may not be the...
Canada CreditCounselling Paycheck PayToPay RewardsProgramsCanada

HOW I STOPPED WAITING FOR MY PAYCHEQUE TO FORGETTING IT WAS PAYDAY One of the hardest things to do is to stop living paycheque to paycheque when costs are soaring and debt levels are high. Housing costs, interest rates and rent are on the rise and we need to buckle down if we want out of the debt game. The problem is that access to money is cheap and spending it is even easier causing more concern for Canadians. However, there is light at the end of the tunnel but it won’t be solved sitting around waiting for that next...
7StreamsOfIncome Canada IncomeStreamIdeas IncomeStreams Rhianna

BUILD WEALTH USING MULITIPLE INCOME STREAMS WORTH YOUR TIME I’ve always been a big believer in having multiple income streams in order to accumulate wealth and to build financial security. The problem is that it’s not the income streams that accumulate the wealth, it’s the person. You could have 50 different income streams but if you are not managing the money properly your dreams of being a millionaire will never happen. The key to investing your earned income is to live a frugal life and take the money you save or utilize your skills and invest in an income stream...