News — Uncategorized
3 Ways to Create a Home Office Anywhere (And Put It Away at the End of the Day)
HomeOfficeOrganization OfficeAccessories OfficeStorage Uncategorized

I’ve been working at home for just shy of a year—and it took more getting used to than I would’ve thought. It took me several weeks to learn, for example, that I had to get ready in the morning as if I was going somewhere. Getting dressed (even if it meant putting on a different set of soft pants than the ones I’d slept in) and then changing back into my pajamas at night became key to dividing the day between work hours and off hours. So did getting a change of scenery (a walk before or after work, as...
EmergencyPreparedness MyLifePacket ToolsForGatheringImportantPapers Uncategorized

Emergency preparedness goes beyond organizing your stuff. It starts with a will, durable power of attorney and legal documents and moves to online passwords and your digital life. We all have important documents that we need access to during our lifetime and that our loved ones might need access to in the future. With the time we have, it’s a great time to organize these papers and more. Tools to get organized In an emergency, the last thing that should be an obstacle is locating paperwork. We need easy access to health insurance details, medical information, and...
September Genealogy

This seems to be an ongoing Photo-A-Day over on Instagram. A friend of mine shared it and since I was trying to go through and simply tidy up all of our genealogy paperwork, I thought I would do just this one. I skipped quite a few prompts and I don't know why she's got the wars out of order (1812 comes before Civil), but I only did half of the prompts, but I did find other interesting things which I'll also include. Day 01 - Surname / Day 02 - Maiden Name Roberts. Nope, I didn't marry someone with my...