News — SimpleVegetableBeefSoup
LowCarbVegetableBeefSoup SimpleVegetableBeefSoup SlowCookerSoup SlowCookerVegetableBeefSoup VegetableBeefSoupSlowCooker

This soup is full of flavour with tender bites of beef, whole mushrooms, cabbage and fresh green broccoli. When eating this Slow Cooker Vegetable Beef Soup you’ll want to dip homemade fresh keto bread or keto buns slathered in butter. Although we eat mainly a keto, low-carb diet I try to make some of our recipes for people who are not on keto. To be honest, there’s really no difference apart from adding the “Keto” or “Low-Carb” name to the recipe for most of them. As you will see from the recipe ingredients below there’s nothing different than any other...