News — LondonDesignFestival2019
French designer Marlène Huissoud asks humans to "Please Stand By" with her first chairs, which are designed to be refuges for insects.
All Insects London LondonDesignFestival LondonDesignFestival2019

Called Please Stand By, the project comprises a series of chairs, or "hotels", for pollinators such as solitary bees, wasps and butterflies. Each sculptural object has been made from a combination of nature-friendly materials such as unfired clay, natural binders and wood, and is perforated with holes that measure five to 10 centimetres deep to host the insects. According to the designer, a recent global scientific review of insect populations showed that more than 40 per cent of insect species are declining, a third are endangered, and the total mass of insects is declining by 2.5 per cent each year....