Practical + Cute Pantry Organization with Baskets

Inside: Tips for pantry organization with baskets to help you make the most of your kitchen storage space.

If youre looking for a way to streamline your pantry, organizing with baskets may be the simple solution you need.

pantry organization with baskets

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I had been searching for a way to make everything in our pantry easier to find. It seemed like food was getting lost in the back of the pantry, and a lot of things went bad because we didnt use them up in time.

I also wanted to make sure everything had a place, so my family could help me put away groceries!

So, I decided to use a combination of wire baskets, seagrass baskets, and risers for cans.

Our pantry has wire shelves, which Im not crazy about. But, I thought the baskets we used to organize the pantry updated the look of the space.

Check out the video and photos below to see how the pantry organization project turned out!

Pantry organization with baskets

pantry entrance

Now that weve been using our basket organization system for a while, here are some of benefits weve seen:

seagrass basket in pantry

  • Baskets hide ugly packaging No pantry is going to look perfect (outside of Instagram or Pinterest, of course!), but having solid baskets for items like chip bags or plastic containers made everything look more uniform.

baskets hide packaging in pantry

  • Baskets help keep things upright Having a container for things means theyre less likely to fall down. This is especially nice for glass containers!

pantry organization with baskets risers

  • Labeled baskets make things easy to find If someone asks you where to find something, you can direct them to a specific basket. This saves a lot of time!

baskets in pantry

  • Labeled baskets make things easier to put away Now there are no excuses for not knowing where things should go.

pantry organized baskets labels

  • Baskets are inexpensive You can easily update them and change them out as your tastes or needs change.

More storage ideas for the pantry

cans on risers in pantry

For canned goods, its nice to be able to see everything at once. These risers for cans are wide enough to hold larger cans, and they make everything easy to find.

turntable in pantry

Turntables are nice for storing different types of vinegars, cooking wines, and oils.

Use your turntable on a corner shelf in your pantry to make everything easier to reach.

Storage Products for the Pantry

Heres a list of the items I used to organize our pantry:

The post Practical + Cute Pantry Organization with Baskets appeared first on Organizing Moms.

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