Nut-free cranberry & date energy bites (Makes ~25 bites)

(estimated for 3 bites: 345 calories, 6g fibre, 7g protein)

Preparation time: 20 min


1/2 cup rolled oats

1/3 cup of your favourite roasted seeds (I mixed salted sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds together as I like a little sweet and salty)

1/4 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips

1 cup chopped pitted dates

Handful of dried cranberries (unsweetened if possible)

1-2 tbsp of a binder such as honey, golden syrup, nut-free butter (something nice and sticky) **I like golden syrup.

TIP: For extra flavour toast the oats in the oven at 250F for 10-15min until lightly browned before combining.


Combine oats, dates, half of the chocolate chips, seeds and cranberries in a food processor. Process on high, adding binder until the mixture starts to stick together enough to form into balls. Add the remaining chocolate chips.

Form by hand into ¾-1 inch size balls and freeze or refrigerate until consumed. Will last 2-3 days in the fridge and up to 3 months in the freezer.

Note: you can use the oat, date and binder base and add whatever seeds and extras you prefer depending on your personal tastes.


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