When you’re a homeschool mom you’ll find that your life is far different than other moms who bring their child to school every day

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Homeschool moms have their kids all day long, all year long and are there to be the parent as well as an educator. Being a homeschool mom is a blessing, for sure, but it also carries a heavy burden to ensure that your kids get a solid education on your terms. If you’ve found that you’ve become a tired homeschool mom, you’re not alone. Today I’m sharing 5 productivity tips for the tired homeschool mom to help you move forward in a positive direction without stress.

5 Productivity Tips for the Tired Homeschool Mom Get a Planner
The key to success with homeschool is to have a plan, but when you’re a tired homeschool mom having a planner will be a true blessing. This planner will allow you to keep track of your kid’s work and what activities you’ll be doing or teaching every day. A planner can be your memory while you work towards dealing with tiredness. My Homeschool Mom Life Binder will help you to easily organize ALL areas of your life! 

Review your Schedule
When you’ve become a tired homeschool mom you may not realize how much you’ve packed into your week. Be sure you take time alone to review your schedule. I highly advise you do this in a warm bath at the end of the day so that you can relax while reviewing your schedule. This is the perfect time to make adjustments for a more productive homeschool day too.
Prep the Night Before
As a tired homeschool mom myself, I know how much more productive I am the next day when I prep the night before. Check your planner to see what’s going on for your homeschool day tomorrow and get everything prepped for it so that you may have a few extra minutes to breathe before starting your homeschool day. If you have an early morning co-op or appointment, go ahead and lay out clothes, prep breakfasts, or anything else that you can do to ensure the morning starts off on the right foot! Even if I’m not leaving the house in the morning, I still like to take a few moments at night and look at my planner for the next day. I also like to look at my lesson plan book and ensure that I have all materials, print outs, etc that I need for the following day. One other thing I like to do the night before is to look at my meal plan for the following day. I may not need to actually do anything for the meal plan the night before, but just knowing what I’m facing the next day is a huge stress relief for me!
Make some Trades
If you’re truly this tired, then perhaps it’s time to review what you have going on in your life in addition to homeschooling your kids. Take some time to figure out what tasks you can delegate to other members in the house, such as chores. Review some of the extra things you do that truly aren’t necessary and trade them out to focus on more sleep or some form of relaxation during those blocks.
Just Say No
Lastly, you’ll have to get friendly with the word no and meaning it. Stop trying to do everything. You’re a homeschool mom who has to juggle so many different “hats” during her day. It’s important that you start to set some boundaries for yourself and others. Start saying no to things that simply can’t be beneficial to add into your daily schedule.

Using these 5 productivity tips for the tired homeschool mom will truly help you feel better, sleep longer, and enjoy more relaxation during this crazy time of motherhood. Remember that your kids will eventually be grown, I’m confident that you’ll want them to remember these homeschool years in a positive light. Use my tips today to start feeling more awake and vibrant during your homeschool days.  

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