Stop Googling, This Is The Best Health & Wellness Resource For Women

wellness bundle

Todays post is going to be a little different than usual, so I want to begin by explaining why that is. I normally try to avoid promotional stuff, but Im making a very rare exception today for the Ultimate Womens Wellness Bundle.

Ive made an exception for this project for a couple of important reasons. First, because its genuinely an amazing deal, and you know how much I love a good deal! Second (and much more importantly), because this bundle features the work of many women I admire, who, like me, work hard to create content that helps other women!

For the past 9 years, Ive made it my mission to help make your life easier and more enjoyable, and health and wellness are vital parts of that! I truly think that the Ultimate Womens Wellness Bundle can help you take better care of you, which is why Im so excited to share it with you today! :-)

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What Is The Ultimate Womens Wellness Bundle?

The Ultimate Womens Wellness Bundle features 80 digital resources, including e-books, e-courses, printable workbooks, and more, including my own e-book Aging Gracefully! These resources cover a wide range of topics that relate to womens health and wellness, including menopause, healthy eating, mental health, skincare, motherhood, chronic illness, fertility, hormones, and more!

No matter which topics youre interested in, youll find a variety of useful resources about them in this bundle. And buying the bundle gives you lifetime access to all of the materials, so you can revisit them or dive deeper whenever you want! :-)

wellness bundle

Whats In It?

The Ultimate Womens Wellness Bundle features 80 digital resources, including:

  • 33 e-books
  • 32 e-courses & audio
  • 12 printables & workbooks
  • 2 summits
  • 1 documentary
  • PLUS 9 bonus products!

So as you can imagine, describing them all individually would take a while! :-) So instead, Ill highlight a few of the ones that Ive been checking out myself (and you can view the full list here):

wellness bundle

Medical Binder: Be Prepared & Get Organized Once and For All

By Ali Chovanec ($37 value)

My Takeaway Having raised a son with juvenile diabetes, I know firsthand how hard it is to keep track of all the appointments, test results, specialists, symptoms, and other medical information you need to keep track of. This 38-page Medical Binder offers a place to write down every detail, from doctors visits to side effects from medications, making it an invaluable tool for those doing the complex work of illness administration.

wellness bundle

The Importance of Iron: What You Need to Know

By Deborah Hanyon ($30 value)

My Takeaway As someone who has struggled with an iron deficiency, this e-book jumped out to me immediately! Its a fascinating read that taught me so much I never knew about iron, including why its such an important mineral, and what sorts of meals I can eat to get more of it!

Wellness Bundle

Natural Facelift Guide: 7 Day Plan for a More Youthful Face

By Roz Walker ($17 value)

My Takeaway I love natural skincare treatments, especially when they are aimed at smoothing out those pesky fine lines and wrinkles! :-) This 7-day plan features daily daytime and nighttime DIY treatments, as well as daily facial exercises that help tone facial muscles and skin. I cant wait to give this a try!

The Ultimate Womens Wellness Bundle also includes several bonus products that you can redeem online (including my own Defend Blend Ready-To-Apply Roll-On!) Here are a couple of the bonus products Ive been enjoying:

Wellness Bundle

Frank & Ylang Lotion Bar + Beesilk Stick

From MadeOn Skin Care ($18 value)

My Take Ive been using this lotion bar and lotion stick frequently since I got them! They are perfect for keeping my skins wintertime dryness in check. They contain natural ingredients like shea butter, beeswax, and essential oils, and as an added bonus, they smell wonderful too!

Wellness Bundle

Leather Wrap Diffuser Bracelet

From The Oil Collection ($22 value)

My Take This leather bracelet is a stylish accessory and a personal diffuser in one! The leather absorbs the aroma of your favorite essential oil, then releases it throughout the day as the bracelet brushes against your skin. Love it!

Wellness Bundle

Is It For Me?

One of the reasons I decided to get involved with this project was my belief that it could help OGT readers. Ive read so many of your comments and emails that have mentioned things like chronic illness, hormone imbalance, mental health, and many other issues that the resources in this bundle can help you navigate!

And even if youre just feeling stuck in a rut (which always happens to me this time of year), these resources can help you find a new focus! Youll find the guidance you need to help you set healthy boundaries, reduce stress, be the best version of yourself, and more!

If you want to:

  • Discover natural ways to sleep better
  • Make time for exercise
  • Live with more energy
  • Prevent and respond to illness in a healthy way
  • Enjoy healthier relationships
  • And so much more

then the Ultimate Womens Wellness Bundle is for you! :-)

wellness bundle

Is It Worth It?

I think this bundle is well worth the $37 price tag, and Ill tell you why! If you were only interested in the products I personally contributed to the bundle (my Aging Gracefully e-book and my Defend Blend Ready-To-Apply Roll-On), you could head over to my shop right now and get them for $36.

But for just $1 more, you can get the entire bundle! That not only includes both of my items, but the five others I mentioned above AND so much more!

You can even try out the Ultimate Womens Wellness Bundle bundle risk-free for 30 days! If you end up deciding that its just not for you, just email to receive a full refund, no questions asked!

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What Else Should I Know?

The Ultimate Womens Wellness Bundle is only available through Monday, February 10th. Period! After that, it disappears into the ether forever (or wherever limited time offers go once they expire!)

So thats reason enough not to wait! But heres anotherif you buy the Ultimate Womens Wellness Bundle before Friday, youll also get access to the Happy Hormones Challenge as a free bonus! This 6-week challenge is designed to help you optimize your hormones at any age.

If youre ready to stop googling and start getting well-researched, practical answers to improve your health, grab the Ultimate Womens Wellness Bundle today. Its only available for a few days, so dont wait!

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