This post was sponsored by Brother International Corporation
Easy organizational solutions are ones that you actually incorporate into your life with ease and that work without complication. I think when it comes to home offices, most people are looking for paperwork organizer tips that can help them declutter their lives and help them find what they need efficiently.
We live in a day and age of data. There is just so much information that we have to stay on top of, right? Whether its when our next electric bill is due, what our Hulu password is, locating exactly where our will is, or figuring out how many credit cards are currently open for the family one thing is clear, organization is the answer.
Paperwork Organizer Tips For The Office 4 Easy Organizational Solutions
Home organization and office organization tips are simple create a system that works for you and your routine. These four ideas are ones you can implement today. I did everything in this post by using my Brother printer and my P-Touch label creator.
As an entrepreneur, I lean hard on the tools I bring into my home office. If they take up space, they have to make sense and they have to provide a lot of kick and support for my day to day routine. I can get almost everything I need to do in the space that Ive created and thats thanks to the online tools that I subscribe to, and to the Brother suite of products I have to support me when need be.
Its possible to get creative as a one-woman show, as long as you have the right support team, a great sense of organization, and a plan. 2020 is all about buttoning up all three of those pillars.
Create An Emergency Binder
An emergency binder is a place where you store all vital information for your household. Take some time to make copies of all relevant information and documents and store them in one place for easy access. That way, when you need doctors information, bank access codes, or emergency contacts you know exactly where to go.
But heres the best part your children will also know where to go should something happen to you. An Important Documents Binder is critical for families and if you dont have one created, then this is something you should seriously think about when working on your home office during National Get Organized Month.
What Should My Emergency Binder Include?
There are a number of items you can include in your emergency binder, but you can start with the following critical information:
- Emergency contact information for family and friends
- Doctors contact information
- List of bank cards and accounts
- List of credit cards and accounts
- Safety deposit box information
- Copies of important documents including drivers license, credit cards, passports, medical information, immunization records, will, birth certificates, power of attorney, insurance, wedding license
- Copy of all home bills that you pay for the year
- Password list
Of course, each family has their own personal situation and will have a tailored emergency binder to meet their distinct needs. No two binders will look the same.
Download Vital Documents Binder Template
If youd like to download the vital documents binder template that I used in the image above, feel free to do so by clicking on this link. Its free for you to use.I printed this using my Brother MFC-L3770CDW, color-laser printer and then slipped it into the cover of my binder so I can quickly pick it out from my shelving unit in my office.
Create Custom Folders And Print File Folder Labels
When I get into organization mode, I decide what are the absolute priorities that need the most focus and attention from my life. Currently, there are three big buckets for my situation. Sponsored content/my daily work routine, my childrens school schedule, and the households bills. In all honesty, those three buckets wont ever really change.
There are many different ways to try to combat the constant flow of information from these three life forces, but I decided to create custom folders and label them so I can split out work accordingly.It was very easy to print file folder labels using my Brother P-Touch CUBE Plus and it was actually pretty fun, too!
What? Am I the only one that thinks getting organized is super fun? Cant be! Custom folders and printable file folder labels are the BEST!
With the P-Touch CUBE Plus, I can do it in a flash, too. All I have to do is pick up my phone and type in what I want to print. Then the tool creates whatever I need in sticker form. There are no excuses as to why you cant get organized this year when you have Brother at your side.
Why My Three Buckets?
I chose home, school, and business for very good reasons. If one of my children comes home with a paper that needs my signature, it has a place to go until I am ready to address it. If there is a bill that needs a check, it also has a place to go until I am ready to deal with it. Long gone are the days of piling things on the kitchen counter and then losing track of my life! That was so 2019!
Clear Off Your Desk
Did you know that your environment can mentally affect your working state? Your literal mood?
I am a woman of chaos. I tend to hop from one project to the next and if you opened up my bedroom closet I can almost guarantee that things would fall on you. However, I recognize that a clean house impacts my mental state in a positive way and so I do my best to keep my office and my desk as clean as possible.
I spend a lot of time during the day in front of my computer. I spend a lot of time in front of my desk. The last thing I need is to feel frazzled as I am surrounded by mess. You might not realize it, but your messy desk can make you less productive, too.
During National Get Organized Month, consider taking some time out to clean off your desk and if you have time the rest of your office as well. It will help your state of mind more than you know.
Get A New Planner And Use Only That Planner
My last paperwork organizer tip is simple. Every year, we buy a new planner because thats what organized people do, right? But then we end up buying a few new notebooks, then some sticky notes and perhaps we even sign up for a digital organizer program. We are all over the place! I cant be the only one?
This year, I challenge you to buy a new planner because we always do this anyway and then commit to only using that one tool to track what you need to do for your day to day routine. This paperwork organizer tip is actually pretty solid because if you can actually promise to not jump around, you will truly cut down on so much extra paper, supplies and wasted time trying to figure out which way is up.
Knowing that you have only one source to access for all of your information is invaluable. Long gone are the days of your scanning countless apps and notebooks looking for that thing you wrote down that you absolutely need for todays task. Everything has its place and it will always be in your planner.
Organizational Solutions That Arent Complicated
If you give yourself a few hours today, you could initiate all four of these organizational solutions and jumpstart 2020 on the right foot. Are you ready to declutter your life and take back control of your home office? Would love to hear!
The post Organization Tips For The Office 4 Easy Solutions to Kick Start the New Year appeared first on Lady and the Blog.