Nourished Planner Giveaway: Day 7

It's Day 7 of my 12 Days of Holiday Giveaways!

I'm bringing back a fan favorite today - the ONLY planner that has been in my hands for the past three years - the Nourished Planner.

Nourished Planner Giveaway: Day 7 #12daysofholidaygiveaways

We are halfway through these holiday giveaways! It's going fast and from what I can tell you all are having a grand 'ol time.

Many people have already won prizes and have told me how touched they were to win - it's makes this girl feel like all this hard work is worth it. I just know the prize today will really, really make two more people happy as well.

For the third year I am bringing back my favorite daily planner, the Nourished Planner. A product has to be very special for me to bring it back three years in a row, let's get that out of the way. Then the response has to be big. Well, let me tell you this planner is both special and has gotten a big response, so here we are again!

Nourished Planner Giveaway: Day 7 #12daysofholidaygiveaways

I reached out to my friend Alexa and Heidi back in August and they were on board practically before I hit send on the email.

Everyone in my family knows how special this planner is to me. I'm still a pen and paper girl and will probably always will be. With a very busy blog to run, plus coordinating the schedules of three kids and a husband.....THIS PLANNER IS MY BIBLE.

You may think I'm exaggerating, but I'm not.

It sets on our kitchen counter right underneath a busy cupboard and next to our fridge. Everything I need to know is in there - sports practices {a lot of practices - 3 kids!}, school meetings, snack calendars, when sponsored blog work is due, birthday parties, when I need to bake a dessert for such and such event - pretty much my whole life.

Nourished Planner Giveaway: Day 7 #12daysofholidaygiveaways

The main reasons I love the Nourished Planner is because:
  • It has a sturdy wire/ring binder which allows me to fold it in half and it never allows pages to rip out or get stuck.
  • Each month gives me a full calendar + full weeks at a glance.
  • At the start of each month there is a section to reflect and focus on the month ahead {for example: momentum, power, happiness, diversity and many others}.
  • In your weekly challenges it gives space to jot down your meal plans for the day, your movement/fitness, any appointments and then your top must-do list.
  • In between all these sections there is ample white space for doodling, joting down notes and placing reminders for various duties that come up quickly.

Oh, and it's gorgeous!

Nourished Planner Giveaway: Day 7 #12daysofholidaygiveaways

My gals at the Nourished Planner have generously offered to giveaway TWO of their 2020 planners to my readers. Can you believe it's almost 2020? Crazy.

Simply use the Rafflecopter Giveaway icon below for multiple ways to enter. Also make sure to follow me on Instagram and Facebook as I'll be chosing one winner from those social media channels as well. U.S. residents only please. Two random winners will be chosen on December 10th.

Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
This content is property of Ally's Sweet & Savory Eats. If you read this content on any other site other than, please contact her immediately. Any other use of this content is strictly forbidden.

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