Little by little, I’ve been working my way through the requests to The Organization Toolbox

7 Organization Printables TheOrganizationToolbox Virginia

And I know I say this every month, but this latest download is one that has been requested over and over and over…so I am pretty thrilled to finally have this Printable Budget Binder ready for you! This kit might be one of my most favorites ever, specifically because it’s so tight and efficient – it includes everything you need and nothing you don’t. From account logs and budget worksheets, to credit card monitoring pages and savings plans, these 18 colorful pages will provide a clean, simple and fun way to keep track of your personal or household finances!

Although I’ve had requests for financial planning worksheets for months now, it’s taken me a little while to get to this one. I tend to create my printables (mostly) out of my own uses and needs. However, my husband and I monitor our finances online and via an Excel spreadsheet. This left me a bit at a loss for what kind of printable trackers and planners would be truly helpful to you all. To ensure I was on the right track, I spent a good bit of time researching the various worksheets, planners and budgeting tools already available around the web and incorporated those elements I found to be most helpful. As a result, the 18 pages I have here are truly a comprehensive set of worksheets that I know will help you monitor and track your earning, spending, and savings!

Financial Planning Pages
The two blue pages in this kit are designed to help you identify and track your overarching financial goals. From identifying clear action steps to providing an at-a-glance perspective of your complete financial picture, you’ll be able to easily hone in on successes as well as identify trouble spots.

Account Information
The light blue pages provide different views for tracking specific account information and balances. The Accounts At-a-Glance pages allows you to easily track account fluctuations throughout the year. Also included in this section (but not shown) is an Account Information Log, which provides prompts for passwords, pins, limits, etc for each open account you have.

The Monthly Budget Worksheets
This green, two-page spread allows you to plan out and monitor your monthly budget. Thanks to fully editable text fields and a companion “Review” page (to be completed at the end of each month), you have ample space to hash out and reflect on your monthly spending.

NOTE: I didn’t notice the “Monthyly” typo on these pages until I uploaded the pictures – geesh – can I blame sleep deprivation?!?! Rest assured, the PDF files have been corrected!

Proudly color in those check marks if your “Budgeted” and “Actual” spending are close!

Expense Trackers
All the red pages in this kit are dedicated to expenses. From a Bill Pay Tracker to various options for recording your spending (weekly, monthly, etc), pick the sheets that will work best for your needs!

Credit Card Worksheets
The three pink sheets included in this Printable Budget Binder are dedicated to tracking and paying off credit cards. While the Credit Card Information log and the Credit Card Payment Tracker can be used year round, the Credit Card Payoff Plan worksheet is designed to help you focus in on a specific card. With space for the credit card information, a target payoff date, and a log to track all your payments, this sheet provides a clean and efficient method for staying on track!

Savings Worksheets
Finally, the orange sheets in this kit are focused on savings! Like the Credit Card Payoff Plan, this Savings Worksheet is designed to help you save up for a specific item/event. Color in each % circle as you get closer and closer to your goal!

The 52 Week Savings Challenge worksheet is completely blank (as shown). I did this on purpose! Instead of me deciding what you should save each week, you can populate it with any 52 Week savings plan you like, from the very simple to the more ambitious! Remember, these PDFs come with all editable text fields so you can type in your goal savings for each week before printing it out!

In Black-and-White Too!
Finally, although I’ve shown this Printable Budget Binder in color, don’t forget I always have my kits available in black-and-white too! Yep – all 18 editable pages are also available in black-and-white for those of you who like to save printer ink or print on colored paper!

Both the Color and Black-and-White versions of the Printable Budget Binder have been uploaded to The Organization Toolbox and are available for download right now!

If you are already a Toolbox member, you can click here to login and download them right away. If you need a Toolbox membership, just click below to get started!

I absolutely love how this Printable Budget Binder turned out, and I just know you all will find these sheets easy, intuitive and oh-so-helpful for monitoring and tracking your finances! Enjoy!

The post New to The Organization Toolbox: Printable Budget Binder appeared first on The Homes I Have Made.
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