Ready for a fun and easy project you can personalize? These faux leather keychains and tassels may look difficult, but are SO simple to make! Just cut, personalize, and glue — they make great gifts, too! And we’ve prepared files so you can cut these right away on your Cricut cutting machine or just cut by hand. These easy faux leather keychains are part of our MAKE IT EASY Craftalong Challenge, filled with fun and EASY daily themed projects!
Here are the pretty faux leather keychains — I cut these on my Cricut and decorated them with foil iron-on vinyl before gluing them together. They are SO easy to make!
I just love these faux leather tassels, too!
Ready to make some easy keychains and tassels from faux leather? We’re ready to show you how! This post contains some affiliate links for your convenience (which means if you make a purchase after clicking a link I will earn a small commission but it won’t cost you a penny more)! Read my full disclosure policy.
Materials to Make Easy Faux Leather Keychains and Tassels
View my Amazon shopping list with the exact items we used to make this project!
Faux leather (I used Cricut Pebbled Faux Leather in Brown, Silver, and Beige) Iron-on vinyl (I used Cricut Foil Iron-On Vinyl in Red and Gold) E6000 glue Keychain hooks and rings StrongGrip cutting mat (Optional) Brayer (this helps you attach your faux leather more securely to your mat for cutting) A way to iron your design (I used the Cricut EasyPress Mini) A piece of parchment paper or a Teflon sheet (to protect your material while pressing) Small clips , binder clips, or washi tape (to keep your faux leather secured while the glue sets) A way to cut your faux leather (I used the Cricut Explore cutting machine, but you can also use a Cricut Maker cutting machine, scissors, or a craft knife) The free SVG design files (available in my free resource library—get the password by filling out the form at the bottom of this page) Leather Keychain and Tassel Yield: 1 Prep Time: 30 minutes Active Time: 30 minutes Total Time: 1 hour Difficulty: Medium Estimated Cost: $7
Learn how to make a faux leather keychain and leather tassel.
Print Materials Keychain Hooks and Rings Cricut Pebbled Faux Leather in Brown Cricut Pebbled Faux Leather in Silver Cricut Pebbled Faux Leather in Beige Cricut Foil Iron-on in Red Cricut Foil Iron-on in Gold Get my free keychain and tassel SVG/PDF/DXF design from my free resource library Tools A method to cut your design. I used the awesome Cricut Maker. Cricut Brayer Cricut Deep Point Blade (for genuine leather) Cricut StrongGrip Cutting Mat E6000 Glue A way to iron on your design. I used the Cricut Easy Press Mini. Teflon Sheet for Heat Press Small clips , binder clips, or washi tape Instructions STEP 1: GET MY FREE KEYCHAIN AND TASSEL DESIGN
Get my leather keychain and tassel design from my free resource library (get a password at the bottom of this post).
Here is what my keychain and tassel design looks likes when you place it into Cricut Design Space.
Tip: If you're not sure how to upload an SVG cut file to Cricut Design Space, watch this helpful video training series I made. If you're on an iPhone or iPad, here's how to download and upload SVG files to the Cricut Design Space app.
You can easily adjust the size of the keychains and tassel by selecting the design and dragging the lower left corner of the design or adjusting the size by entering a specific height and/or width. Hide or delete any layers that you do not want to cut.
I also added a little message and a design I found in Design Space on my keychains. To add a message to your design, select the text tool and type out your message. Adjust the font and spacing if necessary. You can ungroup your text to manipulate each individual character. Just remember to select all the text and attach before you cut.
Whether you use faux leather or real leather, you will want to place your material on your StrongGrip cutting mat with the rough side up. This prevents any potential marks on the finished side of your leather. I recommend using a brayer and rolling down the leather so it is securely stuck to the cutting mat. If you are using faux leather, you'll use the fine point blade. For real leather you will want the deep point blade. Remember to move your star wheels on your Cricut Maker all the way over to the right.
Below is my heart keychain, heat-transfer vinyl lettering, and a small piece that I cut from my teflon sheet.
I heated my EasyPress Mini to the low setting then heated my faux leather for five seconds with the teflon sheet on top the leather. Next, use a continuous rotation over the heat-transfer vinyl, with teflon sheet on top, for 30 seconds. Slowly remove the liner while warm.
One your material has cooleed, slip the leather through keychain. Place your keychain with the raw side up and apply E6000 glue. Fold keychain in half and align with the other side. Press the two sides together with your fingers for several minutes to work the glue around and ensure you have a secure seal.
Here are my three keychain designs.
To make my tassel, take a 3-4" piece of one of the strips, add E6000 glue to the raw side of the leather, insert your keyring hook, then fold in half. I used tiny clips to hold it together while the glue dried. You could also tape this to a surface using washi tape.
Once the glue for your keyring strap has dried, add E6000 glue to the inside upper end of the tassel and place keyring strap with the keyring side away from the tassel.
Spread a layer of glue along the unfringed raw side of the leather tassel and begin rolling the tassel at the end where you placed your keyring strap.
Once your tassel is rolled, you can use another section of the small strip to put on the outside of the tassel top. I then wrapped washi tape around the outside of the top of the tassel to hold it together while the glue dried.
And here are my lovely leather tassels made from the same design in two different sizes.
Special thanks to the JenniferMaker Design Fairy team, specifically design fairy Caitlin, for helping me design and assemble these wonderful keychains and tassels.
© JenniferMaker Project Type: Faux Leather / Category: Cricut Need more projects for today’s craft challenge theme?
Today’s MAKE IT EASY Craftalong Challenge is to “Be Strong” by making something with leather or faux leather, easy key chains, or something that shows your strength! If you are looking for other ideas, we have you covered!
DIY Leather Journal: Rose Gold with Artwork DIY Leather Wrapped Stone Faux Leather Earring Easy Leather Wallets – Great for Gift Cards!- Hair Bows with Mermaid Tails, Butterfly Wings, and Hearts!- How to Layer Iron On Vinyl + Cute Tote Bag Design!- Cricut Maker Engraving Tool on Metal: Dog Tags, Bracelets, and Earrings!- Cricut Infusible Ink Blanks: Fun Things to Make-
We’d love to see YOUR leather keychains and tassels! Please share a photo in our Facebook group or tag me on social media with #jennifermaker.
This project is a part of our MAKE IT EASY Craftalong Challenge with fun and EASY projects you can do to learn how to use your Cricut! You can share your photos in our daily challenge theme thread here!
Want to remember this? Save this Easy Keychain and Tassel tutorial to your favorite Pinterest Board
The post Easy Keychains and Tassels from Faux Leather appeared first on Jennifer Maker.
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