This quarantine time is turning many moms into teachers. I know it is uncharted waters for many parents! For me? It’s a chance to put on my Kindergarten teacher hat again! I taught Kindergarten for 5 years before I was married and those years were some of my favorite teaching years. I truly enjoyed teaching third and fourth grade, and preschool too, but there is something about Kindergarten that will always hold a special place in my heart.
My oldest son is in Kindergarten this year with an amazing Kindergarten teacher. We truly miss her during this quarantine time, which for all schools in Indiana, now through the end of the school year. While the teachers are providing activities and Zoom lessons for our students, I went on a search for free Kindergarten worksheets that would help my son stay on top of his Kindergarten skills.
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All of these Kindergarten worksheets are completely free with no sign ups required. Okay, you do have to have a basic account at TpT and Mailbox but you won’t receive any emails in exchange for signing up.
I am also picky about the worksheets I use. I want them to be high quality pdfs that print clearly. I don’t want ads on my worksheets or blurry pages that aren’t formatted well. Every single one of these free Kindergarten worksheets is a high quality pdf in black and white that prints clearly from any printer.
The other great thing about these Kindergarten worksheets? There is absolutely no prep required. You can print these worksheets and use them right away. You can add stickers or dot paints or other things to spice them up a bit, but you don’t have to do any of that. You can simply print them and give them to your Kindergartener.
I don’t recommend forcing your child through hours of worksheets every day. However, worksheets have a good place to reinforce content and help solidify skills. You can print the skill content worksheets that are at the appropriate skill level for your child.
During this extended time of at home learning, I printed off all of these free Kindergarten worksheets and hole punched them into a 1 inch binder for Nathan. Every day during school time, he flips through them and chooses a few to work on. I tried to cover a variety of content areas with a higher emphasis on math and language arts. We are doing lots of reading (which is incredibly important!) but these worksheets give us a bit of official school time each day.
Here are some of the best sites for free Kindergarten worksheets – with direct links to some of the best Kindergarten worksheets I found.
Free Kindergarten Worksheets from This Reading Mama
This Reading Mama is a fabulous website written by a former teacher and reading tutor, who now homeschools her four children. There are so many amazing resources on her website! You can spend hours searching through her website and will gain some great resources to use with your children of various ages! At the Kindergarten level, here are some of my favorite free worksheets from This Reading Mama.
4 Simple Measurement Games No Prep Telling Time Games No Prep Roll & Cover Addition Games Dot the Rhymes Worksheets Dot the Syllables Worksheets Creating Patterns Worksheet Write the Missing Ending Sounds Print and Play Word Family Games Digraph Dot Pages Free Kindergarten Worksheets from Teachers Pay Teachers
Teachers Pay Teachers isn’t just for teachers! It’s a great resource for parents, too! Sign up for a free account and start browsing all they have available. Yes, you can certainly pay for worksheets but there are a lot of great free ones available – if you take some time to look. One of the things I like about TpT is that your account saves a list of all your purchases (both paid and free) so it is easy to go back and print again anything you have used in the past. To show you how many great free downloads are available, here are some of the best free Kindergarten worksheets I have found on Teachers Pay Teachers.
Count & Graph Kindergarten with Graphs & Comprehension Questions Kindergarten Math Sampler Short Vowel CVC Worksheets with Word Search I Can Read Simple Sentences Worksheets Alligator Less Than, Equal and Greater Than Worksheets Kindergarten Reading Comprehension Passages and Questions Blends Cutting and Sorting Worksheets Word Family Picture Scrambles Calendar Templates (Blank and with Numbers) Kindergarten Color by Code Worksheets Hidden Picture Activities Letter Recognition with Beginning, Middle and Ending Sounds Alphabet Dab (A-Z Do a Dot Pages)
Free Kindergarten Worksheets from The Mailbox Magazine
Teachers have long been fans of Mailbox magazine, but it’s time for parents to utilize it too! When you sign up for a free account, you can print 10 activities each month. Mailbox has high quality activities with a great search engine! You can specify by subject area, grade level and / or theme. All the worksheets are in high quality pdf quality too. I would recommend saving a copy of each file that you print so you can reprint them in the future without using your downloads from the next month. If you are just getting started with Mailbox, here are some great Kindergarten worksheets to start with.
Combination (Compound) Words Counting by 2s and 5s Counting by 10s and 5s Telling Time to the Hour and Half Hour Picture Graph: Plenty of Pies Picture Graph: Remembering George Washington Bar Graph: Egg Search Bar Graph: Busy Days at the Bakery Symbolic Graph: Finders Keepers Rhyming: Cut and Glue Free Kindergarten Worksheets from Miniature Masterpieces
Miniature Masterpieces has thousands of worksheets available for a variety of age levels. I appreciate this site because there are several large packets available with one download. There are also some great packets that are seasonal which is fun. Here are 3 of our favorites.
10 Graphs and Tally Mark Worksheets Unicorn Themed Math Packet (40 pages) Spring No Prep Kindergarten Packet (130 pages) Additional Kindergarten (and Preschool) Resources
Remember that while worksheets are great skill reinforcement (especially in extended times of unexpected learning at home), there are so many other great things to do with your kids! Cook. Play. Go outside. Draw. Play. And most importantly? Read, read, read! Reading is the simplest but also the best thing you can do for your children. Here are some other ideas for things to do with your Kindergartener – or other young children!
How to Find Cheap Audio Books for Children 50 Best Alphabet Books Our Simple Homeschool Schedule How to Make a Do a Dot Printables Book
Do you have any other favorite places to find free Kindergarten worksheets? I hope this gives you a good variety of worksheets to use with your Kndergartener too!
The post 35 No Prep, Free Kindergarten Worksheets & Activities appeared first on Joyfully Thriving.