We live in a world where, whether we like it or not, we run into people with different views of the world, beliefs, and opinions.
Every now and then, we realize that not all of their claims are equally legit. That became especially true in the times of the coronavirus pandemic when anti-vaxxers and conspiracy theory believers were on the rise.
So imagine when someone asked a seemingly simple question “What fact are you just tired of explaining to people?” on Ask Reddit. It hit a soft spot for too many people and you could see that sheer fatigue left by making sure people get their facts straight is a real thing. Below we wrapped up the most interesting responses.
Everything is made of chemicals. Not everything “natural” is good and not everything “man made” is bad.
Image credits: AttilaTheFun818
Antibiotics will not help your virus. Even if you feel really crappy.
Image credits: pasafa
You cannot reduce fat in a specific part of your body - none of those fitness influencer exercises to 'burn belly fat' or 'kill your love handles' do anything - to lose fat you must reduce your overall body fat % with a caloric deficit
Image credits: fvaiz
Your opinion does not carry the same weight as an expert who has spent their entire life working on an issue.
Image credits: az78
Correlation is not causation
Image credits: fuzzyedges1974
I'm a programmer. I write programs. I don't know why your computer won't turn on
Image credits: ThunderStruck115
When out in public, I am not BABYSITTING my kids or GIVING MOM A BREAK. I am a dad and they are my kids. WTF is wrong with women over the age of 40 who say this s**t to men?
Image credits: MaritimeMuskrat
If I'm working at **night**, I need to *sleep* during some portion of the **day**
Image credits: spunkyweazle
Stella Liebeck, the woman who won a lawsuit against McDonald's over hot coffee, had every right to sue them. It's been mocked so many times over the past 20 years with people ridiculing this woman and making it out like she's some idiot who was surprised that coffee was actually hot and she was just attempting a money grab or something. In reality, the temperature of the coffee was f*****g ridiculous and there was no reason for it to be hot enough to cause 3rd degree burns on her legs when she spilled it. She had to have multiple skin graft surgeries and spent 8 days in the hospital where she lost 20 pounds. After that, she needed additional care at home and was partially disabled for the next two years. She had no choice but to sue to cover the cost of her surgeries. This happened a long time ago, but to this day, I still overhear people mocking this case or making references to it in jest.#10
That I really don’t want to eat meat. I’m not against it. Really, eat all you want. I just don’t like it anymore.#11
That disagreeing with someone's opinion isn't an attack on them.

Image credits: xisiko1120
That my lifelong history of depression has little to nothing to do with my relatively stress-free life. People are always saying, "What do you have to be depressed about?" Believe me, I wish it were that simple.
Image credits: kippie10003
I have insomnia. No I can't just "think about nothing"
Image credits: Lylat_System
The difference between type I and II diabetes, two completely different diseasesBeing a healthcare worker and sometimes even having to explain it to my coworkers is tiring

Image credits: Xaort
You cannot get a raise and wind up with a lower net income because of taxes.Income taxes are *progressive*. The higher bracket does not apply to the money you make under the threshold.
(This is different from the welfare cliff, which is very real.)
Nothing’s wrong. It’s just my face.
Image credits: citizenbunny
Maintaining a safe following distance is the easiest thing to do to avoid accidents and yet most people aren’t doing it. It’s basically impossible to react in time to avoid an accident if you’re following less than two seconds behind someone. It doesn’t get you where you’re going faster. The accident will always be your fault. And finally, two seconds is way longer than most people think, most will count one second.#18
Don't get your mental health information from TikTok, facebook, or self proclaimed experts who aren't professionally licensed.I no longer offer a professional opinion anywhere outside of work, and that includes reddit. I've learned that 95% of the time, people don't want to hear the facts, they just want to circle jerk about whatever reality they've conjured up in their heads, and if you correct them, they'll be pissed off and then it's a bad time for everyone
a psychiatrist
That giving people rights does not remove your rights. You don't get a free right to suppress people who are not like you.BuT I dOn'T wAnT gAyS tO mArRy... Then don't marry someone of your gender. You can still freely stay married to your opposite gendered spouse. It isn't infringing on your rights. It bugs you that you can't force other people to do what you want.
I have Generalized Anxiety Disorder. I cannot just decide to not be anxious about stuff. I take medication because I can’t stop. Telling me to just “not worry about it” and “mind over matter” is not going to work. This is a medical issue I am actively being treated for. If I could just choose to stop I would.Telling me “it’s all in your head” is also useless; of course it’s in my head. It’s a brain problem. Where else is it going to be.

Image credits: EmiliusReturns
That chronic illness is chronic, like permanent, like forever. Still sick. Not getting better. Get it?
Image credits: laughingcrip
How evolution works. Giraffes didn't stretch their necks. All the ones with short necks repeatedly died before reproducing. Evolutionary filters require mass death and/or overpowering reproduction of a mutation.Also, science isn't a belief system. Its a method of repeatable testing.
Just because someone doesn't always need their disability aids, that doesn't mean they're not disabled and faking it. Someone who needs a wheelchair to get around doesn't always mean they can't use their legs. They can still walk short distances.
Image credits: pumpkinthighs
Viruses are not bacteriaBacteria are not viruses

Image credits: georgeathens1
Historic life expectancy is heavily skewed by high infant mortality. If you got past 4 or 5 years old you had a good chance of making old age. People weren't just dropping dead at 35!
Image credits: NMonc10101
That type-1 diabetes isn't caused by your diet, and it cannot be cured.
Image credits: Jagged_Rhythm
Airplanes don't fall out of the sky when they lose an engine. A 747 can glide nearly 100 miles after losing all engines at cruise.
Image credits: AsleepBirthday8739
All media is biased. Even the one you're watching.#29
That Depression is a real disease#30
That because i can usually figure out how to fix most things does NOT mean i want to fix everything that breaks for anyone else.
Image credits: Plus_Inevitable_771
I'm a male and a nurse. No I don't want to be a doctor. No I'm not going to school to be a doctor. No I don't feel like less of a man because I'm a nurse and not a doctor. And stop calling me doc and doctor. I've told you 5 times I'm your nurse and my badge says NURSE in big letters.#32
My adhd is an explanation, not an excuse
Image credits: Beautiful-Towel-2815
It's couldn't care less, not could care less unless you mean to say you do care#34
We didn’t “evolve from monkeys” we share a common ancestor#35

Image credits: darkoh84
The president doesn't control gas prices.#37
Gets job at NASAAll extended family asks is if moon landing was real

Image credits: O118999881999II97253
Harsh sentencing doesn’t deter crime. Study after study, decade after decade, this has been confirmed.The most significant effect on deterring criminal activity is likelihood of being caught. Harsh punishment has a negligible effect.
That many Chinese people have my surname, but we're not all related to Jackie Chan, just like how not every person with Johnson as their surname is related to Boris Johnson.
Image credits: benjaminchang1
Hate against any race is hate; though not always systematic.Hate against any sex is hate; though not always systematic.
If hate makes you feel good, you are part of the problem.
Wifi does not equal internet, I'm mostly telling this to my kids lol. We frequently lose internet connectivity, but the wifi will be working fine. They will never understand.
Image credits: chizmanzini
I need ur effing identification information because we are at a bank. I don't care who you say you are, you aren't the person you're claiming to be until I have proof.You can't just walk into the bank, ask for 10k and not expect to be verified. Stop giving me a hard time for protecting your money for you.
Apostrophes don’t make words plural.
Image credits: CannaKitchen757
A hour long youtube video about something does not mean that it is true. It could just mean that some crazy or stupid person posted a hour long video about nothing and you are now dumber for having listened to it and may god have mercy on your soul.#45
That we are short staffed and you’re just going to have to WAIT.
Image credits: c_estrella
Poison is not the same thing as venom. People call snakes poisonous when really they mean to say venomous. Venom has to be injected into the bloodstream (like a snake bite). Poison has to be ingested to enter your bloodstream. You could drink rattlesnake venom and your stomach acids would kill it, but if you put that same rattlesnake venom on an open wound or injected it for whatever reason- that’s gonna be a problem#47
Comic Sans isn’t a bad typeface. It’s a well-made typeface that gets misused. Saying you hate comic sans is like saying you hate hammers because they can’t turn a screw.#48
Tax brackets, no Jenny making an extra 5k does not mean the other 50,000 gets taxed at a higher rate. Only money in the higher bracket gets taxed at that rate not all previous money.#49
As a twin, no I can not talk to my twin through our minds. And yes we were born on the same day.#50
That migrants can't all be here to BOTH steal our jobs AND claim unemployment benefits.#51
Celiac is a real disease that millions of people have, including myself, and no it cannot be “cured” by eating bread.#52
“Share if you agree” on social media will never bring about any form of sweeping changes or reforms, and never will.Changing your profile picture to a flag/person/KEY WORKER to show solidarity can sod off as well.
“Sending thoughts and prayers and positive energy”
"I'm just being honest" is not an acceptable excuse for being an a*****e.#54
That I don't drink alcohol (any kind) simply because I don't like how it tastes, I even find disgusting the smell#55
Shaving doesn't make your hair grow back thicker
Image credits: sl1mlim
Being an introvert doesn’t mean I’m shy. It means having a social battery which gets run down and sometimes becomes empty if I don’t have enough peaceful alone time to recharge it.My job is peopley enough but at least I’m paid to be there. I actively avoid crowds on my time off.
How algorithms are built to feed you only what you want to see and hear creating a bubble of ignorance toward everything else.#58
Yes, libraries still exist, and yes people still use them, and yes we have things other than print books. Like free covid tests! A weekly vaccine clinic! Classes that are free!#59
That feelings you have about your thoughts are still feelings and can make or destroy you equally to feelings about non imaginary situations.
Image credits: Putrid_Tomatillo_251
The act of observing can change the phenomenon being observed.#61
Evolution isn't about "becoming better", it's simply change over time.#62
Just because I work in IT, doesn't mean I KNOW EVERYTHING TECHNOLOGY RELATED. IT IS A VAST FIELD"You work in IT, what phone should I get?"
"You work in IT, do u know why this app isn't working"
We're not all helpdesk or some sort of phone tech support, I promise.