Snail Play for Place Value

Integrate place value for math with fun and coloring using our Snail Play page! It's free for you today in the Pond Coloring Club!

place value worksheet

Play the number game first and then allow students time to color or paint! Students will build sets of ten units and trade for a base ten, working their way to 100. 

How to Play Snail Play

Gather your equipment - for each pair of players

  • 2 pages (one each)
  • dice
  • 10 counters each
  • coloring pencils

 The aim is to be the first to color or 10 snails - representing 100. 

On their turn, players:
  • roll the dice
  • gather the matching number of counters
  • cover the numbers on the mushroom in order (number recognition and counting order practiced here)
  • once the mushroom is covered a snail may be colored and the counters are cleared from the mushroom, ready to start building the next set of 10
  • periodically through the game, ask students to pause and tell you the number they have built so far - they will combine the tens and ones - e.g. I have 3 snails colored and 2 counters, I have 32 so far
place value game

addition game

You can find this page over in the free coloring club. If you're not yet a member, you are very welcome to join. Find out how on our information page

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