Quality RV Air Filters, Founded By NASCAR Drivers

Woman in RV is highlighted by FilterTime RV Air Filters

RV Air Filters With a NASCAR Pedigree

NASCAR drivers know a lot about air. At 200mph, they notice the slightest nuance of change in the way the air is flowing around their car. Drivers like Blake Koch and Dale Earnhardt Jr. can tell you about clean air (racing out front), dirty air (it’s not what you think), and filtered air. These guys had teams of mechanics dealing with the filtered air on the engines in their race cars, but when it came to keeping the RV air filter clean in their motorhomes and travel trailers, they were on their own. 

From NASCAR to Air Filters

Spending a lot of time on the road means having to play catch up when you finally make it back home. Blake Koch found that it was too easy to forget simple home maintenance tasks like changing the A/C filter in his home. Bitten by the business bug and discovering a niche market, Koch enlisted Dale Earnhardt Jr. to partner with him in forming FilterTime™, an A/C filter home delivery service that sends scheduled A/C filters directly to your door. 

“After completing two of my best years as a NASCAR driver, I decided to take something that was just an idea at the time and turn it into a reality. I wanted to offer people an air-filter subscription service, FilterTime™. I have always known how important it is to change your air filters frequently, but I always forgot to do it, or forgot when I had last changed them. I either went all the way to the store to get them and they didn’t have my size, or I got all the way there and forgot the sizes.”

Blake Koch – NASCAR Driver and Founder of FilterTime™


A natural extension of that business, especially for a couple of guys that spend a lot of time on the road in RVs, was to improve the filtration process there as well. Blake and Dale reasoned that there is a market for a high quality, precision cut RV air filter that is made in America. The current medical landscape bore that out, and supply chain issues in everything from chlorine to computer chips only reinforced the need for a quality U.S. manufactured solution.

Blake Koch and Dale Earnhardt Jr.

Blake Koch and Dale Earnhardt Jr. formed FilterTime, a home delivery A/C filter provider that now offers RV Air Filters.

High Quality RV Air Filter

All the cachet and notoriety in the world won’t help if you aren’t putting out a quality product. Blake had two goals with their new RV air filter line….high quality, and made in America. FilterTime™ makes their RV Air Filter with a MERV rating that, using two separate layers in their RV air filter, allows it to block allergens like pollen, mold spores, pet dander and dust. 

Keep Cool, But Not Frozen

The danger of many DIY filter solutions is either they are too porous, and don’t do a good enough job, or they are too dense. We tend to think thicker or denser is always better, however without enough air flow, the A/C unit on the roof of your RV will freeze up. If you are lucky, you can turn it off and literally sweat it out until it thaws. If you are unlucky, some type of permanent damage could occur. 

Fits Most Common A/C Brands

You’ll find filters for the most common RV air conditioning units at FilterTime™, as well the round return air vents found in many coaches now. They are made with a polyester fiber, not simple foam. FilterTime RV Air Filters are installed with the blue side up, and are precision cut to fit the most popular A/C models in your RV.

RV air filters from FilterTime lined up in product display format.

Protect Your Health and Your Investment

With RV service time waits of several weeks to several months, avoiding the RV shop is high on everyone’s list. You can do your part by putting a quality RV air filter in place to protect not only your health, but your investment as well. Don’t give the RV warranty folks a reason to deny your claim in the event of an A/C failure. Always use a quality, recommended RV air filter.

Lasts All Year…and More

RVers that are quick to notice that most air filters are rated for 90-days should remember that in the RV world, this is 90 full days of continuous use. For most RVers, that’s all year long and then some. The average number of days Americans use their RV in a year is between 20 and 25 days per year, according to Go RVing. That means your investment in quality air filters for your RV can last you three years. Everyone is different, so you do the math for your style of RVing, but clearly the investment is well worth it. 

If you are a full time RVer, or you simply spend a lot of time in your RV you have to ask yourself, if you buy a great air filter for your home, are you willing to breathe lousy air all year in your RV? Why not give your second home the attention it deserves with an RV air filter from FilterTime™

Special Discount for RV LIFE Readers

As part of their partnership with RV LIFE, Blake and Dale Jr. are offering RV LIFE readers a 20% discount. Simply use the coupon code “RVLIFE” at checkout. Be prepared for the RV season and get those replacement filters for your RV. FilterTime RV air filters are also available at Camping World.

Checkered Flag

After you’ve ordered your supply of RV air filters, don’t overlook the home A/C filter delivery service offered by FilterTime™. FilterTime™ is an air filter subscription service via the web that allows you to choose your air filter and how often you want it delivered – without ever having to go through the hassle of finding and buying air filters again. Blake understands that his integrity is on the line, and is committed to providing a great product and great service, as evidenced by the great reviews for FilterTime.


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