Rhyming Words Target Shooting 1.1
Device: iOS Universal
Category: Education
Price: $2.99 -> $.99, Version: 1.1 (iTunes)
In this game you try to shoot at balloons, flipping plates, model airplanes, and spinning plates, by positioning the sight over the target and pushing the button in the lower left corner of the screen. Each scene has a word like ‘plate’ on the left top of the screen. You only get points if you hit the balloons, plates, and airplanes with the banner that rhymes with the word on the top left. The program has an American speaker who says the words as you position the sight on the word. Make sure to only hit words that rhyme with the indicated word in the top left corner. You move the cursor to the target, then press again to fire, or use two hands: moving the cursor with one finger and pressing the big orange button with a finger from another hand.
I like to use my thumb on the orange button.
New app Math Target Shooting only .99 this weekend. https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/math-target-shooting/id1016318658?ls=1&mt=8
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Rhyming Words Target Shooting