Kathryn Dennis And Thomas Ravenel’s Kids Moved In With Him After She Lost Custody

Kathryn Dennis And Thomas Ravenel’s Kids Move In With Him After She Lost Custody

Thomas Ravenel and Kathryn Dennis always brought the drama to Southern Charm.  We witnessed the early days of their relationships, Kathryn’s surprise pregnancies, multiple breakups and and meltdowns.  It all made for fantastic reality TV fodder, but sobering when one considers the affect all this instability had on their children, Kensie and Saint.

The children have been passed between both parents over the years, seemingly in a pattern of one parent taking advantage of the other’s legal issues to file for full custody.  In 2016, Kathryn lost custody after testing positive for marijuana.  She entered rehab, and her attempt to redeem herself was captured on camera for the show.  In 2018, Thomas’ arrest and charge with assault and battery in the second degree destabilized Saint and Kensie’s living situation once again.  They came to an agreement to joint custody of the children.  Kathryn seemed to be finding her footing, finally renovating her townhouse into a home for herself and the children.  Unfortunately, this didn’t last, and Kensie and Saint have moved again.  This time, they are back with Thomas full-time.

It was official in March of this year.  After filing on October 23, 2020, Thomas won full custody of Kensie and Saint after making a case that claimed Kathryn was an unfit mother.  At the time, Thomas expressed his plan to relocate the children to his estate in Aiken, South Carolina over the summer.

The Sun obtained court records and reported that Kathryn was accused of drug use, among other things. A mutual friend told Thomas that he saw Kathryn doing cocaine while on a family trip with her boyfriend Chleb Ravenell.  According to Thomas, “he informed me that he witnessed a lot of cocaine use during this trip and that Kathryn had left cocaine within grasp of the children, which he thought was dangerous.”

Kathryn’s official response in court was, ” I do not use cocaine so naturally I have not left any out for our children to access.”  Kathryn was compliant about taking a drug test if Thomas, “pays for it and takes one as well.”

Another claim was that Kathryn neglected her responsibilities as a mother.  Kathryn admitted that three out of four times Kensie was late for school happened on her watch.  Basic hygiene was allegedly an issue as well.  Thomas said the children were returned to him, “filthy and unkempt.”  “When the children are picked up after their week with Kathryn,” Thomas continued, “they are filthy, their hair is matted, they smell and the are unusually tired and irritable.  During the summer they were routinely returned without shoes. Saint is regularly returned wearing clothes that are so small on him, they leave marks on his skin.”


RELATED: Kathryn Dennis Moves In With Boyfriend Chleb Ravenell After Losing Unsupervised Custody Of Children She Shares With Ex Thomas Ravenel


“This is untrue” Kathryn responded, “my children are always well dressed and clean when in my care and I am often complimented on how cute they look.”

Finally, Kathryn was alleged to have left the children unsupervised, “on multiple occasions.”  Thomas hired an investigator who witnessed Kathryn leaving the children home alone on two occasions.  Once in July at 1:48am, and once in August at 3:17am.  Thomas commented on this behavior in court.  He wrote, “during the time Kathryn was gone, Kensie and Saint are seen alone in front of the house.  THIS IS TERRIFYING.”  Kathryn only responded that it was “untrue.”

Financially, Thomas clearly has the upper hand.  He comes from an elite pedigree of Charleston society, and Kathryn was allegedly “broke” and had $11 in her bank account at one point.  So Thomas can certainly provide financial stability for his children.  According to The Sun, he moved them into an estate that he bought for $1.8 million in May 2020.  He is also putting them into an elite private school for the 2021-2022 school year.  Overall, a “safe, stable and secure environment,” Thomas claimed in court.

The 10,000 sq-ft, also known as “The Balcony,” is the safe environment positioned on 5.82 acres of land.  It boasts seven bedrooms, sevens bathrooms, multiple fireplaces, 10 foot ceilings, french doors, and fluted woodwork.  The typical details you’d expect in a Ravenel home.  There’s a guest house with three bedrooms and two bathrooms.  Polo player Thomas made sure to buy a home with an eighteen stable barn.  Other outdoor amenities include a swimming pool and a six-door barn.

It’s certainly a place you’d expect the next generation of Ravenel children to live.  Thomas happily shared videos of the children in their new home.  One shows Saint and Kensie playing by the pool as they scream, “Best Daddy!”  Thomas also shared a picture of Kensie in her new room.  He captioned it, “so thrilled to have my daughter in our new home.”

All appearances aside, the children seem to be flourishing under their father’s care.  A source reported to The Sun that the Saint and Kensie exhibited a “marked improvement” since moving in with Thomas.  The source elaborated that, “in Kensie’s latest report card, her teacher wrote that ‘Kensie is starting to SOAR academically. Her reading is taking off and she rarely needs assistance in math.’”  And, “the school administrator remarked on Saint’s recent stark behavioral improvement.”


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Kathryn sees her children every other weekend with supervised visitation.  “She has supervised visitation during the day Saturday and Sunday every other weekend,” a source told The Sun.  She’s used her social media platform to express frustration at the situation.  On August 5th, she shared the following graphic to her Instagram Stories.  Us Weekly reported that it was reposed from an account called One Mom’s Battle and reads, “it is exhausting to constantly defend yourself from someone who is trying to change reality — it can even make you question what you know happened, or what is true,” the post read. “It can be exhausting to live two lives: one for your children and for the world (everything is fine) and the other, where you are beaten down by the family court system.⁣ We see you and we stand with you. You are not alone.⁣”

Currently Kathryn lives with her boyfriend Chleb in Charleston, South Carolina, while Thomas resides in Aiken with fiance Heather Mascoe and their 13 month old son.


RELATED: Kathryn Dennis Loses Custody Of Kids To Thomas Ravenel Following Cocaine Allegations


[Photo Credit: Bravo]

The post Kathryn Dennis And Thomas Ravenel’s Kids Moved In With Him After She Lost Custody appeared first on Reality Tea.

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