Understanding learning styles helps you to focus on areas you excel at best to build wealth.
A visual learner often builds wealth not by saving money instead by learning how to save.
Are you a visual learner, auditory learner or tactile learner?
Find out what each means and how to best build wealth using your learning style.
When I was a child, I would build Lego without reading instructions because I was a visual learner.
It was easy for me to look at the photo on the Lego box and get to work building it.
All I needed to do was paint a picture in my head, and I could bring that idea to life.
Often, I didn’t care about the box photo and just built what I wanted to.
I used colour coding and drawings to explain what I was talking about, and it worked for me.
As I age, I am both a visual and tactile learner, both of which styles help my career growth.
Our son, who is seven years old and on the spectrum, is also a visual and tactile learner.
He also has excellent spatial awareness and often sees something that others might not.
There’s nothing inherently wrong with being a visual learner, tactile learner or auditory learner.
Each learning style is part of how you are and how you get from point A to point B.
Let me explain to you each style of learning and how the visual learner builds wealth.

Three Types Of Learning Styles
There are more than just three types of learning styles; however, I’m concentrating on the visual learner.
Below are the three common learning styles that most people learn with to get by in life.
Like myself, I am both a visual and tactile learner, as is our son.
My wife is 100% a visual learner because anything she hears often goes in one ear and out the other.
Sound familiar?
You’re not alone, and because of this, she often asks me questions I think are common sense.
That’s what prompted me to write this post because I wanted to understand learning styles.
Anyone who works in an educational environment may use various learning styles.
What I’ve come to learn is that there is more than one learning style, and each person understands differently.
Just because someone is a visual learner doesn’t mean they are any better than an auditory learner.
It means that a person has to find the best way to understand information through their learning style.
Let’s talk about the learning styles now.
Visual Learning Styles
What is a visual learner?
A visual learner is a person who learns by sights such as reading a book, newspaper, magazine or instruction manuals.
The visual learner also likes colours and ways to ensure that what they are doing makes sense.
Building wealth for the visual learner best works for them by reading, taking notes or using printables.
The visual learner may take extra breaks and use the computer to understand concepts.
Since both Mrs. CBB and I refer to ourselves as visual learners creating finance printables came easy.
Not only is our budget binder colourful, but it sits where we can see it and access it daily.
We love numbers if you haven’t guessed it, where others could care less about dollar signs.
I don’t think that we go overboard with the amount of work we put into our finances as it’s worked for us.
We don’t regret being frugal and earning money any way we could to become debt-free.
Tactile Learner vs. Visual Learners
What is a tactile learner?
A tactile learner is someone who learns by taking things apart and touching what they are looking at.
Compared to the visual learners who learn by seeing and reading, they are two very different styles.
Tactile learners are organized, neat and clean where everything has its place.
For example, our son loves taking trucks apart and putting them back together again.
Our son learned the process of how to build the truck and what he could take apart.
A tactile learner also likes to draw and paint yet seems to forget what they’ve seen or done.
Our house has his paintings, educational material and drawings on the walls, and he won’t let us take them down.
In part, I found myself this way as I got older and discovered my learning style to evolve, especially during Covid-19.
Working from home has pushed me in a new direction which was stressful at first, but I’ve adapted.
That means that sometimes I learn by touching and feeling, and other times I’m a visual learner.
When I’m in a Zoom (ugh) meeting, I use actual products to show colleagues and talk.
Auditory Learner vs. Visual Learners

What is an auditory learner?
An auditory learner is a person who learns best by hearing and listening, whereas visual learners use sight and reading.
A few examples would be listening to a podcast, instructional technology or someone who is talking.
For example, you may have been the child or adult who could sit in class and learn what you needed by listening.
Our son falls into this category because he gets bored quickly, hums, and his mind wanders.
However, just when we think he’s not paying attention, he was and can answer questions related to the topic.
Our ASD son sits close to the teacher to see, listen, and recall information for all reasons.
The other day he told us that he couldn’t concentrate sitting beside the projector as it makes noises.
The fan distracted him from what he described, so the teacher moved him to a new spot.
He was smart enough to speak up about the difficulty so he could solve his problem.
How do these learning styles pertain to building wealth?
Well, before I start, let’s talk about money and couples with different learning styles.
When learning styles are different, they either complement or destroy relationships.
Both Mrs. CBB and I have different learning styles that complement each other.
This has helped us stay on the same page to work harder at making changes as they come.
Learning styles won’t make you rich, but they will give you peace of mind and collaboration.
Working towards debt-free takes two.
Visual Learner And Building Wealth

I’m not sure if you remember, but earlier this year, 52-week Loonie saving money challenge.
This type of challenge is for the visual learner who likes to see their wealth increase.
The point of this experiment is to see how financial growth motivates and challenges a person to save.
Once saving becomes part of the routine, then you know you’re on the right track.
The challenge is for our son in our house, and he saves his Loonie every week in the jar.
He tells us that he will buy himself a new big black Dodge Truck when it’s filled up.
Unrealistic, yes; however, the point of the savings is now registering.
Another example of a visual learner from a financial aspect is using my free Budget Binder Printables.
You’ll find everything you need to track your finances and keeping your budget binder organized.
We created this type of budget binder for Mrs. CBB, who needs visuals to learn.
A budget binder keeps the information tidy and easy to access for the visual learner.
Personally, my office can be organized chaos where she knows where everything is.
Using visuals is also how we became debt-free by the age of 40 years old.
When you see your wealth grow as a visual learner, it may inspire other savings tactics.
From another perspective, you may capture a decrease in your net worth, and it allows you to find out why.
Please don’t put too much weight on net worth, as it will consistently change.
Auditory Learner And Building Wealth
The auditory learner may find that building wealth is by continued education by listening to what others do.
Auditory learners may enjoy listening to podcasts on the way to work or on the way home.
Reading finance books is another auditory way of learning, although they tend to talk out loud.
When an auditory learner reads out loud, they tend to store the information better.
How many of you reading this today found that studying for a test was more straightforward when you read out loud?
That’s not how I learned, but I had a friend that did this and was remarkably smart.
Building wealth as an auditory learner might mean using a mobile app that is easy to read.
The more information an auditory learner has about their finances, the better it is to save.
Tactile Learner And Building Wealth
As a hands-on learner, if you fall into this category, it’s best to start with an envelope savings budget or budgeting with jars.
When you can touch the money, count it, and see how much you have, it helps curb spending.
You know exactly how much money you will have to buy groceries and when it’s gone, it’s done.
Although you enjoy verbal or physical achievement, the jar and envelope system does that for you.
Your pat on the back for a successful month means you spent less than you earned and saved.
I often find that once users of the jars and envelopes get bored, they may add a bare-bones budget.
Doing so tells me that they’re ready to move up but still keep the tactile ability available.
Combinded Learning Styles And Wealth Building

I don’t think there is any magical potion that says you will fall into one category or another.
If your spouse has no interest in helping to build wealth, there’s not much you can do about it.
I wouldn’t divorce someone for that reason, but I’d talk about what expertise they can bring to the table.
People often hear the words budget, finance and even worse, math, and they run.
Budgeting and building your wealth is so easy as long as you put effort into the process.
When it comes to our marriage, we both have different learning styles, bringing meaning to our savings.
After paying our house off in 5 years and have invested aggressively in our portfolio, we believe in teamwork.
Without teamwork, even if we had some ironing out during a discussion, we sorted it out.
For example, when I had to purchase a mobile phone, we got a data plan from Freedom Mobile.
Although it’s not one of the most popular communication companies, I’ve had zero problems.
I don’t think Mrs. CBB thought I’d have such success as she wanted me to join her on Rogers.
The funny part is now she wants to join Freedom Mobile because I get data, and she doesn’t.
It doesn’t matter what learning style you have; it’s how you use it, so you both come out debt-free.
When you are debt-free, it allows you to continue saving money and build investments.
That’s the place we are at today, and not a minute goes by that we regret the path we’ve taken.
As I mentioned, don’t put too much weight on your net worth if you are far away from retirement.
Work on what you can pay off today so you can build your financial portfolio for tomorrow.
Don’t Waste Money For Online Learning Styles Courses
One last thing about building wealth is that you don’t need to pay for any silly courses online.
Everything you need to learn is somewhere on Google and accessible, especially the basics of finance and budgeting.
Too many bloggers are selling stuff that they throw together, and it becomes a system of promoting each other so they can earn millions of dollars.
Save the money you would spend and research everything for free online from reputable sources.
Even buy a book like we did for hundreds less than an online course.
Discussion: What type of learner are you, and what best works to help you build wealth?
Please leave me your comments and questions below, and don’t forget to subscribe to Canadian Budget Binder.
The post How Different Learning Styles Builds Wealth appeared first on Canadian Budget Binder.