Five Frugal Things | We’re quitting Ting

1. We are switching to Mint Mobile

We have been happy Ting customers for a long time, but we crunched the numbers and for us right now, it makes more sense to follow Lisey’s lead and use Mint Mobile instead.

Iphone SE in a purple Otterbox case.

This will be especially true as Sonia and Zoe spend more time away from home wifi with jobs and classes and end up needing more data; Mint Mobile will give us basically unlimited data for the same price we were paying with Ting!

And at this point, I am very happy at the prospect of not having to think about data usage.

I’ll put together a more thorough post on this once we get switched, but you can check out what they offer here in the meantime.

(You get a $15 credit if you sign up through those links.)

2. We caught a fraudulent charge

Someone used our main credit card to purchase a 4-phone plan from T- Mobile. Sigh.

So, I called and they closed the card. A new one takes a week to arrive, so it’s good we have a backup credit card!

The $212 charge will be removed, happily. But now I’m going to have to update this one in alllllll the places it’s saved (like for auto-billing).

Still, that’s better than paying $212 for something I didn’t even buy.

And this is a good reminder to always, always check your credit card and debit card statements.

3. I bought Zoe’s government book on eBay

This is a tutorial class, and I just got the email from her teacher with the textbook info.

I hopped onto eBay and about five minutes later, I found one for $20 with free shipping.

The book sells new on eBay for $46, even on Amazon, so I was pretty happy with this purchase

eBay package

There was a cheaper one in an auction listing, but I decided my time was worth more than waiting around for several days to see how the auction ended up.

I’m happy with a $20 price point and five minutes of my time.

4. I bought some notebooks and graph paper at a steep discount

Zoe and Sonia don’t need many of the traditional back-to-school items, partially because they are homeschooled and partially because they are a junior and a senior this year.

But I did stop at Office Depot to get a big pack of graph paper and a pile of notebooks for math purposes. Notebooks are always so cheap in August! 

5. I bought some black-eyed Susan seeds

I keep seeing these blooming everywhere right now, and I want some for my borders.

Marigold seedlings in a black plastic pot.

A packet of seeds is way cheaper than buying the equivalent amount of potted plants. So, if I can get these to grow, I will be money ahead.

I ordered the perennial kind, so I’m thinking I could grow these and plant them outside this fall. But I am open to opinions from all you experienced gardeners!

If it would be better to wait until spring, feel free to tell me.

Your turn! Share your Five Frugal Things in the comments.

The post Five Frugal Things | We’re quitting Ting appeared first on The Frugal Girl.

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