Since you mentioned math…
Five kids later, I can testify that most kids are NOT future mathematicians.
In my scientific study five, only one is a math guy. He went all the way through Calculus 3 and cried when it was done.
The other four?
They burned their books the moment they reached “high enough”.

And please…
…don’t try to make your artist, dancer, or farmer for into a mathematicians world.
Mathematicians reveal themselves.
I knew my son was a math brain long before high school, but I purposefully held him back until he touched 9th grade so I could make sure he didn’t miss life math.
- Measuring twice, cutting once.
- Building and managing a budget.
- Tripling recipes.
- How to know you have enough gas to make it home.
- Are the beans on sale for $3.00 a can REALLY a better deal than the ones sitting next to them?
Math has always been my love hate subject- yours too?
- I love math.
- I just hate teaching it to kids older than 12 because I have to study their math lesson and do all the problems first- then teach them the lesson and have to endure the frustration.
- I always frustrated my older sons when teaching math. SIGH. Why? Because I don’t know the harder math off of the top of my head.
But we survived.
And the boys all thrived!!!
Lessons from a mom of five boys who all made it through Algebra without dying.

- Get a clear understanding of what your kids really need to learn: It will have nothing to do with a chapter or page number!
- Always look for hands on lessons to practice skills!
- If your kids don’t know how to add, subtract, multiply, divide, solve fractions and decimals, and do percentages… They are NOT ready for algebra.
- Do a little math every day.
- Solve math problems on windows with dry erasers or on the sidewalk with chalk.
- Hang a white board and do math together.
- If a math curriculum isn’t working DITCH IT!
- Use graph paper for help kids learn to solve math neatly.
- Make math funny. Solve math with jokes, or get your kids funny shirts. My math kid LOVES his latest shirt. WARNING- You may not think it’s funny because its a higher math shirt. Trust me. It’s funny.
- Look for math picture books and read aloud daily! Yes, slip in a math book or two each week.
- Eat the problems. Whenever possible, teach math with food.
Best Homeschool Math Curriculum for Struggling Students and Their Parents

This is a tricky one. What works for my kids may not work for yours, but here is a list of amazing math curriculum and youtube channels to give you and your kids assistance as they follow their math roadmap to success.
Pro Tips:
- Know what your kids need to learn before starting to teach.
- Look at the table of contents. I bet you know how to solve most of the math. Use the Table of contents as a guide. If you get stuck- turn to the lesson page!
- Teaching Textbooks is by far the most recommended math curriculum by homeschool moms. They have video lessons so your kids can simply follow along and do the work.
- Math You See is another homeschool mom favorite. It is very hands-on and makes very small steps forward so your child can achieve mastery. My boys didn’t love it; but I know MANY homeschool families who do!
- Evan Moor is HANDS DOWN my favorite publisher for teaching materials for kids PreK-6th grade! I discovered them before entering into homeschooling. Easy to follow and fun, I recommend them for all subjects- but especially math, history and science!
- All Things Algebra. I WISH I had found Gina when my older sons were beginning pre-algebra! Her curriculum is hands-on, challenging, but fun. She’s not cheap- but her materials are WORTH the money!
- Abeka Math is wonderful! They appeal to me, someone who loves color. “If mama doesn’t love the math curriculum, no one will.”
YouTube Channels for Math help

The trick is finding the correct teaching from someone you can relate to and learn from, right?
The Organic Chemistry Tutor saved us when my sons hit Algebra and beyond.
Math MashUp Is great!
Goofy Math to make your kids laugh

These are video my kids loved, or that I loved to torture them with when they needed to learn or practice a concept.
Sergeant Seven will have your kids master their 7 multiplication facts in 7 minutes.
School house rock! Why? Because it works. The number three is our favorite!

Goodies I’ve created for over the years.
Printable Math Basics through grade 6
Your Turn!
Did I miss anything that worked well in your home? PLEASE share below!!
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